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The Average Lifespans of Mammals

Mammals, though representing a small fraction of Earth's biodiversity, play indispensable ecological roles worldwide. Their contributions to ecosystem health, including pollination, seed dispersal, and predator-prey dynamics, are crucial. A recent visualization on the Voronoi app has captured attention by illustrating the average lifespans of mammals, drawing on data from Discover Wildlife and the United Nations . Human Lifespans on the Rise Mammals, defined by their warm-blooded nature and possession of hair or fur, nurture their young with milk from mammary glands. While some, like weasels, typically live only 1-2 years, others, such as elephants, can thrive for decades, and bowhead whales can live for over 200 years . Animal Average lifespan (years) Weasel 1 to 2 Hedgehog 3 Wolverine 12 Tiger 14 Brown bear 25 Lowland tapir 30 Western gorilla 35 Brandt's bat 41 Humans (1950) 47 Elephant
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