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Showing posts from December, 2018

Visual impacts of artificial sky brightness in Europe

Artificial sky brightness refers to the amount of light pollution produced by human activities that affects the natural darkness of the night sky. In Europe, this issue has become increasingly significant due to the continent's high levels of urbanization, industrialization, and widespread use of artificial lighting. One of the primary contributors to artificial sky brightness in Europe is urbanization. As cities and towns expand, the demand for artificial lighting increases. Street lights, building lights, and illuminated signs all contribute to the overall brightness of the night sky, especially in densely populated urban areas. Industrial activities also play a significant role in artificial sky brightness. Factories, warehouses, and industrial parks require extensive lighting for safety and productivity. This industrial lighting can contribute to sky brightness, particularly in regions with high levels of industrial activity. Transportation infrastructure, including roads, high

Three Hundred Years of Element Discovery in 99 Seconds

In the vast landscape of scientific discovery, few achievements rival the elegance and impact of the Periodic Table of Elements . What began as a humble attempt to categorize the known elements has evolved into a cornerstone of modern chemistry, guiding our understanding of matter and its interactions. However, the road to uncovering this fundamental organization was not a swift one; it spanned over three centuries and involved the contributions of countless scientists, each adding a piece to the puzzle. The story begins in the late 17th century when alchemists and natural philosophers first began to explore the properties of substances. One of the earliest attempts at classification came from German alchemist Hennig Brand , who in 1669, discovered phosphorus while experimenting with urine. This discovery, along with others, sparked interest in categorizing elements based on their properties. Fast forward to the late 18th century, and we encounter the work of Antoine Lavoisier , often

Global Seismic Hazard Map

Global Earthquake Model Global Seismic Hazard Map The Global Seismic Hazard Map depicts the geographic distribution of the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) with a 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years, computed for reference rock conditions (shear wave velocity, VS30, of 760-800 m/s). The map was created by collating maps computed using national and regional probabilistic seismic hazard models developed by various institutions and projects, and by Global Earthquake Model Foundation scientists. The OpenQuake engine, an open-source seismic hazard, and risk calculation software developed principally by the Global Earthquake Model Foundation were used to calculate the hazard values. A smoothing methodology was applied to homogenize hazard values along the model borders. The map is based on a database of hazard models described using the OpenQuake engine data format (NRML); those models originally implemented in other software formats were converted into NRML. While translating these

For each country in the world the red area shows where 95 percent of them live, the percentage is how much land this represents for each country

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